
Agronomics Analysis: Gauging confidence in crop yield comparisons


ADAS has developed a new way for farmers to test their decisions which it calls ‘agronomics analysis’

Agronomics web-site

Agronomics is the science of managing the ‘agronome’: it…

Treasury of Ideas


At college, we are taught that all crops develop (age) in response to temperature and daylength; then they grow by capturing light energy and water.

But this knowledge is not widely used in practice so, to help the industry understand crop performance in more detail, ‘Growth Guides’ were…

The value of YEN data - Richard Wainright, Bank Top Farm

TAGS: Oilseed YEN

The data you receive as a YEN member means you understand the constraints to your crop growth. There are some constraints you may not be able to do much about but others are really helpful to know so you can make the small changes needed to increase yield as Richard Wainright explains.

Why I joined the YEN - Richard Wainright, Bank Top Farm

TAGS: Oilseed YEN

Richard Wainright farms a 510ha farm in North Yorkshire and joined the Oilseed YEN two years ago. He joined to get more from his yield and has found the detailed data extremely beneficial in understanding the small changes he can make to achieve greater yields year on year.

Why I joined the YEN - David Passmore, Mays Farm

TAGS: Cereal YEN

David Passmore is a mixed farmer from Oxfordshire who joined the YEN in 2018. David joined to develop his business and to meet and learn from others. The data collected throughout the year has given David a greater understanding of his yields and farming practise, and has lead to further…

The benefits of being a YEN member - David Passmore, Mays Farm

TAGS: Cereal YEN

David Passmore from Mays Farm in Oxfordshire explains the benefits of being a member of the YEN.

Why I joined the YEN - David Brightman, Gaydon Hill Farm


David Brightman is a YEN member from Gaydon Hill Farm in Warwickshire. Although initially wary of joining the YEN due to blackgrass issues and drainage, David was inspired to join in 2018 and take part in trials after learning about applied research opportunities that could directly benefit his…

The role of the YEN in the Netherlands


Tom Hendricks is the Knowledge Manager for Crop Solutions - a knowledge-sharing collaboration of nine arable farming companies in the Netherlands. The Netherlands has many of the same issues as UK farmers when it comes to increasing yield productivity. The data gained from entering the YEN can…

Linking Academic Research and Practical Application Through YEN - Tom Bennett, University of Leeds


Tom Bennett from the University of Leeds explains his research into crop growth, resource constraints and nutrient deficiency. The YEN allows Tom to engage with farmers and agronomists who are interested in improving crop performance and the opportunity to learn first hand through Farmer…

2019 research areas - Limagrain


Douglas Bonn, Seed Specialist from Nickerson Seeds part of Limagrain UK, explains the areas of research being planned for the 2019 season.

The YEN in Scotland and what breeders can learn - Limagrain


Douglas Bonn, Seed Specialist from Nickerson Seeds part of Limagrain UK group, explains the applications of YEN from a Scottish farming perspective and why breeders need to be part of the YEN project to understand farm performance

Why we sponsor the YEN - Limagrain


Ron Granger, Arable Technical Manager for Limagrain explains why Limagrain began sponsoring the YEN and the valuable insight seed breeders can get from being part of the YEN.

What makes a YEN grower successful - Limagrain


Ron Granger, Arable Technical Manager for Limagrain, explains the most important characteristic of successful growers.

Why we sponsor the YEN - Syngenta


Cat Grey from Syngenta explains why Syngenta sponsor the YEN and why they are encouraging all arable farmers to get involved.