
Agronomics Line Trials


ADAS's Agronomics service has been offering robust on-farm Line Trials experimentation for precise and relevant testing of farm decisions since 2017. We working with networks of farmers to address farm specific questions with precision farming technology, remote sensing and modern data analysis…

Agronomics flyer

Farm-PEP: Impact of Covid-19 on Knowledge Exchange - Survey, Interviews & Workshop Reports


As part of our Farm-PEP Innovate UK project we conducted a rapid appraisal of the impact of the Covid-19 disruption on the delivery and future of knowledge exchange in UK agriculture. 

The work was led by Prof Julie Ingram at University of Gloucester's…

Farm-PEP Covid19 KE Survey report , Farm-PEP Covid19 KE Workshop report , Farm-PEP Covid19 KE Interviews report , Farm-PEP Covid19 KE Synthesis Summary , Design Thinking workshop & formulation of Challenge Statement , Summary Report of the KE appraisal

Greenhouse gas intensity of crops


Read about the the carbon costs of cropping how they're accounted for and the opportunities to reduce them, in this CPM article

Guide to Farmers Crop Trials


Developed by ADAS as part of the Agronomics programme this guide gives instructions on how to conduct successful on-farm crop trials.

ADAS Guide to Farmers Crop Trials

PGRO Pulse Agronomy guide


The PGRO Pulse Agronomy guide can be found on the PGRO website, linked below.

Crop GHG emissions and yield


Read about the relationship between greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and high crop yields in this LinkedIn article, written by …

Guidance for measuring plant population and assessing CSFB damage

TAGS: Oilseed YEN

Make the following assessments at 5 locations within the crop at the 2 true leaf stage

  • To measure plant population where the crop has been drilled in rows, count the number of plants in 1m length of row at the 2 true leaf stage. Measure and record…

    Download as a PDF

YEN Nutrition Example Offtake Report-1

TAGS: YEN Nutrition

Example YEN Nutrition Report-1 (Offtake report)

Example YN_Offtake Report

Grain nutrient analysis and its role in management - AHDB

TAGS: YEN Nutrition

AHDB webpage about the role of grain nutrient analysis and why it was added to RB209 in 2020. 

Visit to learn more.

New Zealand pea growing guide


Producers around the world face a number of challenges with the pea crop. Whilst regional differences in climate, soil and weather patterns mean that lessons in one region are not immediately transferable to another, the approaches taken in New Zealand, where there are some…

Client Details Form - YEN Nutrition


Please download the Client Details Form, fill in and send it to We will then send you a Membership ID for each of your clients so that the lab selection and Field Details can be completed for your clients. 

Bulk Client Details Form - YEN Nutrition