Bean YEN

Pulse YENs - end of 2020 season summary and beyond

The area of field beans and combining peas cropped in the UK has grown by 38 % and 28 % respectively. Pulses can offer an alternative to oilseed rape in the rotation for some,…

PGRO Pulse Agronomy guide

The PGRO Pulse Agronomy guide can be found on the PGRO website, linked below.

YEN Reporting Workshop

YEN Reports are comprehensive. As well as ranking your yield, they provide many explanatory metrics. If you find this somewhat baffling, and would like to delve into the physiological analysis of…

ADAS & Lancrop laboratories are pleased to announce leaf tissue analyses will again be available for free for YEN crops

Following a successful exercise last year where around 150 Cereal YEN crops and 20 Oilseed YEN crops were sampled by growers at up to four growth stages during the season. The…

Join the Bean YEN

To register for the Bean YEN, please complete the registration form below.

An auto-confirmation email acknowleding your entry registration will be sent. If this email is not received,…

Bean YEN launched for 2019

A new Bean Yield Enhancement Network (YEN) has been created for 2019 with the support of PGRO. After two years of intensive pea crop monitoring to gain critical understanding of key issues, the…

Guide to Farmers' Crop Trials

ADAS believes that by working together with other farmers, suppliers, agronomists and scientists, farmers can use their own trials to bring fast learning, new findings and best practice for…